Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bride & Groom

I have so much love for this man!
Here is a little piece of the vows I wrote to Ariel- We didn't meet by chance, I know we were brought together by our Heavenly Father because we needed each other. You were brought into my life to test me, to build me, to teach me, to protect me, and to love me. You've taught and shown me so much and I am looking forward to continue to learn from you. I feel no doubt about us, I know we will make it through. You will always be my go to and my remedy when I am feeling unstable.
You're my earthly Heaven, Ariel. Te amo. 
- Your Mrs. Alfaro 


  1. You 2 are the cutest <3 I love love, and feel the same way about my husband. He was most definitely not brought into my life by chance!

  2. Could you be more beautiful? Sheesh. I think not.

  3. I just came back and re read those vows, I'm crying. You have a beautiful relationship!

  4. your wedding dress is beautiful. seriously you guys make a stunning couple. and lets talk about the vows. my goodness. speechless.


Thoughts are welcome