Thursday, December 5, 2013


As every story of pregnancy begins with those two parallel pink lines – mine did too. 
I didn't let myself think "I am pregnant" when my monthly visit from Aunt Flow didn't come when it should of, I just figured it would come. After being 2 weeks late I decided I should probably take a pregnancy test just to be safe. I was shocked as I saw the two lines form on the pee stick instantly... I am going to be a teenage mother! Finishing up my high school days with a big round belly was something I did not plan on happening, I hardly knew anything about babies or pregnancy! The taste of fear filled my mouth and I wanted to throw was I going to tell my parents, how was I going to provided for this baby, how was I going to be a mother? After a few more tests with the same results, I decided to tell my parents; I sent my mom the long "I am sorry to be a disappointment" text while she was at church. I was positive she knew why I sent that text but she was going to make me tell her, and I was dreading it. I knew my parents wouldn't do anything dramatic but still I was terrified to tell them. As my parents came home, walking through the door, they called down the stairs asking for me to come up to their room. That's when my stomach dropped, I grabbed the pregnancy test and slowly made my way up the stairs to what I thought would by my death. I sat down and gave my mother the positive pregnancy test, she just looked at me waiting for me to say the words the test meant... I cried as I said sorry and told them I was pregnant. They were disappointed in my actions but not me, they were going to be supportive through the decisions I made and the 9 months and beyond – just like I knew they would. 

To be continued... 


  1. I almost don't know what to say. I want to be respectful to you, Liam and the story. I don't want to sound nosey at all but I'm grateful you are sharing this with so many readers, even if they don't follow you GFC.

    You are a strong person. I can't imagine what that moment must have been like. I don't know what I would have done either... but knowing parents are supportive helps the situation just a tad bit sometimes:)

    1. Don't feel like you're being nosey, because you're not. I decided to blog about my experience publicly to have others view my story about stillbirth and shed some light on this type of loss. I was originally going to submit my story to have the chance to be chosen to be in Three Minus One (a story about stillbirth/infant loss) but every time I would continue to write I got anxiety. Since I didn't enter my story, I thought I should still publish it but on my blog!
      Please don't hesitate if you have any questions, I will gladly answer them for you! :)

      Thank you, Ashley! It's a scary moment when it's at the wrong time and I am so glad I had parents there to support me.

  2. You are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are amazing!!!!!!! You are wonderful!!!!! I am so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your story. You are stronger than I ever could have been. I am SO proud of who you are, and what you are doing! Keep it up, I look forward to hearing the next part. You never cease to amaze me! I love Liam and I didn't have the privilege to meet him. Someday though...Someday! :)

  3. I'm so glad your parents were there to support you. After meeting you today you have such a strong spirit. And I can't wait to read more of this story <3

  4. First? I'm so glad your parents are supportive. There's nothing like having parents who are judgmental and detrimental to everything. I hope you know that whatever happens, it is completely meant to be. You will make the right choices and be completely okay. I promise. I hope you know you have a lot of people that are here for you, including strange strangers like me :) Also, I'll be praying for you. You'll be alright. So will Liam. So will the babe. I know it.

    1. Clearly, this is one of the first blog posts I've read of yours. I'm sorry I'm so confusing. haha. I'm excited to read more of the story and find out all this amazing awesomeness that has made you such a strong woman. I love your blog already.

    2. Thank you thank you!!! It's fine, I didn't clarify when all of this took place so it is easy to get confused! I found out I was pregnant my senior year of high school (end of 2011) I gave birth in March of 2012 and now I am writing my story!


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